Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Obama Games Come Back To Bite Him

Comment by Dave_Not_For_Obama | 2008-06-11 23:20:34

Obamatron’s website email system has no security in place, oh what fun this can be, lol. Some of their own medicine as payback!!

You can go here:

1)Send out email to anybody, (other blogs, newsrooms etc.)

2)Where it says “Your email” just use any email, make one up, lol.

3)In the message area, delete the Obamatron garbage and insert your own massage, lol.

4) Now just press SEND MESSAGE and away it is sent.

The person’s getting the email will see a small disclaimer at the bottom of the email they get saying: ” A user has sent this message from The sender’s name, email address, subject and message have not been verified.”

The return (REPLY) email address will show what ever email you used to send the email, lol.

Let this be a warning to ALL Obamatron, you want to play games on the internet pretending to be one of us then we can play that game too, lol. Imagine all the emails coming from the Obamatron website with a return email to anywhere our imagination can think of, lol.

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